Unity: Machine to make video games.


Unity: Machine to make video games.

Unity: Machine to make video games for iPhone, Android, PlayStation, Nintendo, Windows, Mac and other platforms in 2 and 3 dimensions.

Unity is a machine to make video games, you can make games for mobile phones, for computers.

additionally publish them on the App Store, on Steam, on Google Play, on the Windows Store or on the store of your choice, and if your game is good enough, maybe you can live more comfortably.

Basically with Unity you can put together C# code, images, sounds, music, animations and everything you need to make a professional quality game, my first 2D game is Math Tower


Unity is installed on your computer through the Unity Hub, this is a tool that allows you to manage the versions of Unity that you have installed and the platforms for which you want to develop, a complete installation of Unity with support for Windows and Android will occupy you around of 16 G on your hard drive.

Required power

Regarding the need for power, I can tell you that I am currently working on a 16G i7, however, last year I worked with a 4G i5 quite comfortably, with my new equipment everything is going a little more fluidly.


If your company does not generate more than $100,000 USD per year you are entitled to download the free version of Unity, otherwise you should buy a license.

you can download the personal version for free here:


Finally here I leave you several Links of very good courses:

After watching this course you will be able to create your first video game with the Sprite Skin animation tool.

The following course teaches you how to create 2D scenery very efficiently with the Sprite Shape tool.

With this tutorial you can introduce yourself to what the Shader Graph is, a very powerful tool to create special effects on the images and textures of your games, so many thanks to Code Monkey

Unity: Máquina para hacer videojuegos.

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